Inspire Kids has been asked to engage with the FASD community of BC and ask for your living experience of FASD in British Columbia to help shape the way government delivers service going forward.
Belonging is the Beginning
To complete this project we chose three different approaches.
Invitational In Person
Group Conversation
We held our initial event as a two day planning table. Day one was a conversation among caregivers followed by a presentation of that conversation to some professionals in a place to effect change. We had a representative of Inclusive Education, Keyworker Programs, and the Legal System. The second day was a connection day with older youth. We learned so much about their Journey and their plans for the future.
Safe-Space Online Connections
As we spoke to our community, it became clear that our concern was a reality. FASD still carries so much shame and stigma in our society that many voices were not being heard. Public forums were to vulnerable of spaces to share without fear of mistreatment. Many Families suffer in silence and solitude. We have built a schedule of online engagements where the group of people can be as anonymous as they need in order to feel safe. The meetings are scheduled for very specific Caregiver types, and Family Members. Throughout May and June, 2024, there are 24 online conversations. Please Contact us via email - info@inspirefasd.ca
or with the "Get in Touch" section below.
Conferences and Events
Meeting people where they are at with ongoing participation in a number of conferences and events. We are bringing our conversation on the road. Please see our events page for upcoming events and opportunities to meet us in person.
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